About Worship Arts at GCU
Grand Canyon University has established the Center for Worship Arts to empower our students to pursue a future as worship leaders, music directors and/or technical directors in their congregations. The Center for Worship Arts is the department that administers our degree programs for worship arts at GCU. It hosts all programs and events, including live performances and it is home to GCU’s Recording Studio and Songwriters’ Lounge.
The worship arts program is a community of likeminded student artists and their fans who support their work. Every year, our student artists release their own original Canyon Worship album. Each album features music written, recorded and produced in GCU’s Recording Studio. Student artists, their families and their fans are encouraged to show their support by purchasing Canyon Worship albums.

How To Become a Worship Leader

God-honoring music has long played an important role in corporate and personal worship. When speaking with the Colossians, the Apostle Paul had this to say: “Let the word of Christ dwell in you richly; teach and admonish one another in all wisdom; and with gratitude in your hearts sing psalms, hymns and spiritual songs to God. And whatever you do, in word or deed, do everything in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father through him,” (Col. 3: 16-17).
Music is both a gift from God and a medium for worshipping him. Whether you choose to sing or play an instrument — or both — music is a pure form of human expression and an acknowledgement of God’s grace. If worship music is important to you, you may feel called to become a worship leader.
A worship leader designs, implements and guides the musical worship of a service. The process of how to become a worship leader begins not in school, but in your heart and soul. Pray about your decision and God will show you the path.
The degree programs for worship arts at GCU provide academic structure that enable you to position yourself for a possible career as a church leader. Our worship arts students learn through hands-on participation in our worship arts performances and the Canyon Worship album, which is recorded annually right here at the Center for Worship Arts. In addition to your learning experiences at GCU, you can position yourself for possible career advancement by volunteering to lead worship activities at your church.

Earn Your Degree in Worship Arts from GCU
The Center for Worship Arts at Grand Canyon University invites future Christian leaders to apply to study at our supportive campus. Here, you’ll find resources and guidance to help you grow into a capable and thoughtful servant leader who is committed to spreading the message of Christ’s love to all.
There are multiple options for earning your degree in worship arts; each will enable you to position yourself for a possible career as a worship artist. However, each degree program has a slightly different focus. Our worship arts degrees are as follows:

Each degree program for worship arts at GCU features a thoughtfully designed curriculum that blends classroom instruction and hands-on learning experiences. Students study the fundamentals of theology and music theory in this interdisciplinary program.
Each of our students will have the opportunity to develop an intimate understanding of the worship experience and how music connects the worshipper to Christ. Degrees for worship arts at GCU also encompass a look at the business aspects of writing, performing and producing worship music.
All students who study worship arts at GCU have access to our facilities. These include the GCU Songwriters’ Lounge, where students can collaborate on both songwriting and biblical study. Worship arts students also participate in hands-on songwriting and recording activities in GCU’s Recording Studio. Here, students collaborate with fellow learners and professional musicians and instructors as they bring their God-given musical gifts to fruition.
There are numerous potential careers within the worship arts field. Many of our graduates have gone on to become worship leaders, music directors and/or technical directors at their churches. A worship arts degree may enable graduates to position themselves to possibly pursue careers within the Christian music field.

Earn Your Arts and Media Degree from GCU
Grand Canyon University invites you to learn how to use your fine arts and media degree in a career in worship arts. Grow your talent in music, theatre, dance, digital design and film to contribute to a greater purpose. Apply today for enrollment in one of GCU’s arts and media degree programs.
Our students, instructors and professional musicians look forward to enjoying your contributions to our Canyon Worship community. In the meantime, please consider supporting our student artists by purchasing the Canyon Worship albums.