Contact GCU for the Center for Worship Arts Team
Grand Canyon University is an institutionally accredited, interdenominational Christian university with a dedicated community of talented student artists and their fans. We take pride in cultivating the next generation of Christian leaders as they prepare for future careers in service to God. We invite you to contact GCU and learn more about the Center for Worship Arts and our worship arts degree programs.
GCU’s Center for Worship Arts releases a student-written Canyon Worship album every year. Explore our latest annual release and check out our archives!

Meet our guest contributors! Canyon Worship and the student team at the Center for Worship Arts regularly collaborate with industry experts, including professional musicians and producers, worship leaders and others who share in our celebration of God’s grace. Some of the guests we’ve worked with include the following:
- Geoff Hunker – Founder and lead singer of Satellites & Sirens and worship pastor
- David Willey – Founder and drummer of Satellites & Sirens and music director
- Billy Smiley – Nashville producer, originally of The Gaithers and Whiteheart
- Matt Odmark – Nashville producer, originally of Jars of Clay

You can proudly display your support for GCU’s student community and our worship arts team by purchasing Canyon Worship albums and related merchandise at the Lope Shops. Choose from hard copies of our Canyon Worship albums, branded apparel, office supplies and so much more!
Connect With the GCU Worship Team on Social Media
We encourage you to support our worship arts team by purchasing Canyon Worship albums. In the meantime, you can stay on top of the latest happenings from our GCU worship arts initiative by following us on social media. You’ll get updates on the latest Songwriters’ Showcase concerts, Open Mic Nights and many other events. You’ll also catch the occasional glimpse behind the scenes as our talented young students fine-tune their skills in the GCU Recording Studio. Follow us on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram.

Digital Content Available Online
Worship online with the talented students at GCU’s Center for Worship Arts. Use the links below to stream music and “behind the music” content from our student artists. Listening in on our students’ original songs not only connects you to Christ and empowers you to worship Him from anywhere, but also gives you another way to support our student community, who are the next generation of Christian leaders.